-How do I rent from Chippewa Storage?
Simply give us a call at 715-235-RENT (7368) and set up an appointment to go through and sign the lease or you can rent online by selecting your unit from the "Rent Storage" tab on the main page and fill out the required information.
-How long are your leases?
All of our leases are month to month with a one month minimum.  Monthly payments are due the first of each month.
-Do I supply my own lock?
Yes, for added security we suggest using a round disk type lock.
-Do I have 24 hour access to my unit?
You can access your unit 24 hours a day.
-What is the security deposit for?
We charge a security deposit equal to one months rent at the time the lease is signed.  You will get this back when you have cleaned out your unit and have notified us you no longer need the unit.
-Do you take credit cards?
We accept credit cards as well as checks, cash and ACH.  You can pay your rent and set up automated payments via our website.  You can also mail payment to Chippewa Storage, PO Box 117, Menomonie, WI 54751 or put in payment drop box located on site.
-Do you have pallets?
We have pallets at various locations in facility that are free to use.
-How can I contact you?
Via email at chippewastoragwi@gmail.com or by phone at 715-235-RENT (7368).